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Dental Fillings
The health of your teeth and gums has a direct impact on the health of the rest of your body. Left untreated, even a small cavity can cause infections or an abscess and lead to tooth and bone loss.
Attractive and healthy smiles are confident smiles. As we age, cavities can and often do develop, however with natural-looking fillings we can correct cavities while strengthening a weakened tooth. All without detracting from your smile.
How we repair cavities.
Most people will have a cavity at some point in their lives. If it has been a while for you, you are likely doing an outstanding job with your home care.
The materials used to repair a tooth with a cavity have changed a lot. Instead of silver fillings, dentists used to use we use white composite fillings to repair a tooth with a cavity by chemically bonding the material to your tooth. The best part, is tooth-colored fillings are undetectable. No one will ever know you had a cavity.
What are my fillings made of?
The composition fillings we use are completely mercury-free. They are made of resins and porcelain. This material is especially great for the most noticeable areas of your smile.