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    Maintenance & Warranty

    Maintaining your warranty for cosmetic dentistry.

The success of cosmetic dentistry lies in design, craftsmanship, materials, and maintenance over time. Cosmetic dentistry at Branin Center for Dentistry is facially generated and guided. Photography and photographic analysis are pre-operatively and post-operatively required for successful planning and documentation of outcomes. We use the country’s most talented laboratories to make our designs reality. For our patients improved experience, we hire and pay for the best available staff and technicians.

We believe in our design and product so much that we warranty our work for 5 years with a structural warranty as long as the following criteria are met:

  1. The patient wears a hard night guard for sleeping at all times. 
  2. The patient maintains regular cleanings & exams at least every 8 months. 
  3. The patient does not have probing depths that exceed 4mm or have bleeding upon periodontal probing. 
  4. The patient does not have a history of unusual or excessive trauma, usage or damage.
  • I am a typical dentist-phobe, but I have been seeing Dr.Dudley and am really happy with the service and work he’s done. I first went to him on a friend’s recommendation because I needed to have fixed what another dentist screwed up. Dr. Dudley couldn’t have been nicer and more personable. He also did my Invisalign treatment which I am really, really pleased with. Not only is he great, but everyone at the office is really lovely too. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Dr. Dudley.

    Danielle Y.

Follow These Simple Steps to Keep the Warranty Active

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Wear A Night Guard

A night guard must be worn every night. Not wearing it voids the warranty. During maintenance appointments, night guards will be inspected to ensure your smile's protection.

More about Performance Mouthwear

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Practice excellent hygiene

A periodontal probing with depths exceeding 4mm or bleeding gums are signs of poor oral hygiene. If this occurs, the warranty is void.

More about Preventive Care

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8-Month Appointments

You must come in every eight months for maintenance and cleanings. Exceeding this time frame voids the warranty.

Request an Appointment

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Protect your smile

Avoid unusual or excessive trauma, usage, or damage. Should this occur, the warranty will void.

More about Preventive Care